taz - die tageszeitung  The Berliner tip Berlin Freiluftkino Kreuzberg Hofbräu München
Saisonstart 2025: 7. Mai
Werbung: Werbung Freiluftkino Kreuzberg

Freiluftkino Kreuzberg im Innenhof des Kunstquartier Bethanien

Berlins einziges OmU-Open-Air-Kino - natürlich mit digitaler Projektion. Wie immer zeigen wir jeden Tag einen anderen Film im Original mit Untertiteln, deutsche Filme mit englischen Untertiteln.

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5er/10er-Karten und Kinogutscheine

5er/10er-Karten können online und an der Kinokasse erworben werden. Kinogutscheine nur online.

Programmpreis 2008
Unsere Partner
Freiluftkino Kreuzberg

Distance, consideration, cinema. How the cinema will work this summer.

In order to be able to screen movies for you this year, we must apply the following rules.
We might be able to make things simpler over the course of the summer.

Seats and tickets
Until 15 June we can provide seats for 200 people.
From 16 June we can provide seats for 345 people.

All tickets must be purchased online. Ticket returns are not possible.
Except for a limited number of single seats, tickets are only available for allocated double seats.

Double seats may be occupied by married couples, partners, members of the same household, and people with custody or visitation rights. If you want to come to the cinema with other family members or friends, you must buy tickets for the next pair of available seats. This will allow you to keep the appropriate distance.

By purchasing the tickets, you agree to let us use the information provided during the purchase for up to four weeks after your visit, in case health authorities need to get in touch with you. Your contact information may also be given to these authorities.

Multiple-entry and complimentary tickets cannot be used at the moment. We ask multiple-entry ticket-holders for your understanding and patience. This is the only way we can handle the situation at the moment, we hope to find a solution by July.

Accessibility/Accompanying person: The cinema is wheelchair accessible. If you have a category “B” ID, this year you will need to purchase two “Berlinpass” tickets. When you arrive at the cinema, the staff will help you to find an appropriate, accessible spot.

Berlinpass: If you book a “Berlinpass” ticket, please bring your pass (or a valid replacement document issued because of the pandemic) with you and have it ready to show when you enter the cinema.

The rest is easier:

When seated you automatically keep at least 1.5 meters from other guests at all times. Please follow the marked paths and entry points.
As you may get closer to other guests on your way to the seats, or when you go to the kiosk or bathroom you must wear a mask whenever you are not in your assigned seat

While leaving the cinema, please wear your mask and be patient so that everyone can keep a distance of 1.5 metres.

Please collect your trash and deposit it quickly at the recycling stations, separated into waste, bottles and glasses. We will sort everything more thoroughly for you later.

Because consideration is Berlin’s sensitive answer to the crisis.

Last revised on 15 June. It is possible that this contains errors, and that amendments will be made.

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