MON 13.05. 21:15
Die Theorie von Allem
A crazy story set in the Swiss Alps, told with a crazy love of cinema. "One of the most unusual German films in years." SWR2
Die Theorie von Allem
Germ. with Engl. subs
Physicists have assembled for a conference in the Swiss Alps. The keynote speaker expected to present nothing short of a theory of everything has been delayed, and the well heeled participants pass the time with high-octane dinner parties and luxurious skiing excursions. An enigmatic female pianist knows things about others that she cannot possibly know. When one of the physicists dies in suspicious circumstances, two investigators arrive... Offering plenty of style and suspense and a story that charts its own abyss, this ingenious film noir about our world in which any number of things are possible yet very few of them are necessary is well placed to become a modern classic. "German cinema of rare calibre. A powerful art house movie whose level of suspense keeps rising throughout."
1:58 h | FSK age rating 6 years
Münchner Hobräu
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